- ◆ 【AESE】 Review on Asia Entrepreneurship Summit and Exhibition!2015.04.07 10:26:12
- ◆ 【AESE】 Want To Attend As A Mentor? An Ambassador? A Helper? Click Here To See Detail!2015.02.27 21:23:55
- ◆ 【YEDers】 Information Session on 12/Feb (Thu). Get feedback on your proposal and Guidelines for AESE!2015.02.09 23:17:10
- ◆ 【Field Trip】 Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub in Qianhai, Shenzhen on 11/March (Wed).2015.02.09 23:14:52
- ◆ Review on Young Entrepreneurs and Professional Services: A Look at Career Development and CEPA. 2015.02.06 18:11:54
- ◆ Register For Young Entrepreneurs and Professional Services: A Look at Career Development and CEPA. 2015.01.28 23:39:36
- ◆ 【Video】TVB Live: Policy Dialogue - Youth Policy(2). 2015.01.16 22:00:30
- ◆ New Article! Accessing China's 3D Printing Market Through Industry Penetration and Customization.2015.01.16 13:31:35
- ◆ 【YEDers】Detailed information about Youth Entrepreneurship Summit and Exhibition on 13-14/March/2015.2015.01.11 17:47:54
- ◆ New Article Recommended! The Use Of Knowledge in Society.2015.01.07 20:49:44
- ◆ New Article Recommended! Top 10 Company in China Which Have the Best Welfare!2014.12.30 19:47:12
- ◆ New Article Recommended! Parents Volunteered To Be The Poison Detectors For Children!2014.12.29 23:41:59
- ◆ When Facing With Risk. YED's sharing session on 11/Dec.2014.12.17 22:09:39
- ◆ Intersection of Culture and Entrepreneurship. YED's sharing session on 9/Dec.2014.12.17 22:08:11
- ◆ This week! ! ! YED Mentor's Sharing Session on 9/Dec (2 hours) and 11/Dec (2 hours).2014.12.02 23:22:09
- ◆ Interview with Mr. Frankie Yeung, MH. JP – A Business Leader and Expert of Chinese Arts.2014.11.29 23:33:42
◆ YED aims to cultivate human capital for global business environment. We are pursuing knowledge exchange, entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility for the free market.
◆ Vision & Mission: Empower Your Business by New Generation
◆ Join us: YED Mentor or YED Ambassador @HKU
知識交流 Knowledge Exchange
【Engagement of Knowledge Exchange - HKU】
◆ Providing services to the public relating to those professional disciplines offered by the University
◆ Organizing awareness-raising programmes and forums on various complex issues facing our society
◆ Transferring knowledge and skills to help rebuild disaster-stricken areas in the region
◆ Serving on Government and professional committees
◆ Serving as expert witnesses
◆ Promoting arts appreciation
◆ Enhancing human capital through continuing professional development courses
◆ Enriching the knowledge base of our society through public lectures and media channels
◆ Working with secondary schools to enrich students' learning experience
The University defines KE as engaging, for mutual benefit, with business, government or the public to generate, acquire, apply and make accessible the knowledge needed to enhance material, human, social, cultural and environmental well-being. KE is a two-way process, and it not only includes technology transfer but also encompasses all disciplines, including the arts and humanities and the social sciences.
Ref.: http://www.sppoweb.hku.hk/sdplan/eng/strategic-themes-for-09-14/
- 【Economy】 How to Succeed in Business -- By Thomas Murcko, CEO of BusinessDictionary.com2014.12.07 15:43:00
- 【 HK Life 】 Thanksgiving Day Specia Report! Be grateful for what we have got!2014.11.28 00:22:32
- 【 Science 】 椰子油在實戰中打贏了老人癡呆症!2014.11.25 16:56:48
- 【 Health 】 Drink 3 Liters Of Water A Day and The Results Are Shocking! 2014.11.10 21:16:53
- 【 News 】 中国10大福利最棒的互联网公司!2014.12.30 19:47:12
- 【 News 】 为了孩子,家长变身人肉侦毒器!2014.12.29 23:41:59
- 【 YEDers 】 Interview with Mr. Ricky Lam! Get closer to our mentor! 2014.11.26 23:58:12
- 【 YEDers 】 Opening Ceremony has been held successfully!2014.11.08 22:47:34
- 【 YEDers 】 Opening Ceremony! Get closer to elites from Micosoft and our Chief Consultant!2014.11.04 19:31:14
- 【 YEDers 】 Eperience-sharing Session: How to reach your target customers via Internet. ——By Angel TAI2014.11.04 19:29:05
- 【 YEDers 】 Interview with Dr. Patrick Ko! Get closer to our elite. 2014.11.04 19:29:36