Upcoming Mentor Sharing Session


1) "Communication Skills: Culture, Entrepreneurship & Career"
       音樂? U-life? 找工作? 創業?        溝通啟示錄: 文化與創業就業

     Keynote Speaker: Mr. Frankie Yeung, MH JP   楊偉誠先生, 榮譽勛章 太平紳士
     HKU Faculty Speaker: Dr. CK Cheung   張志儉博士, 創業教育及青年研究學者
     Performing groups   表演嘉賓及學生團隊:
     - Mr. Dee Xu (Landman Music @ HKU - HKU CEDARS Funding)
     - Mr. Kelvin Yuen( Documentary movie Director of Live Studio Network @ HKU HKU GE Funding)               Click here to learn more about this group!

     Date: 9/Dec/2014 (Tue)
     Time: 18:30-20:30 (refreshment will be served after the seminar)
     Venue: CPD-2.58, 2/F, The Jockey Club Tower, HKU Centennial Campus(main campus)

2) "Risk Management and Corporate Governance in Hong Kong Banking Sector"

     Keynote Speaker: Mr. Stephen Chan (Director of Trinity-C Management Ltd.)
     Voluntary Co-organizer: Mr. Ricky Lam (Mentor of YED , Chairman, Publication and PR Committee, Institute of Financial Accountant inHong Kong)

     Date: 11/Dec/2014 (Thu)
     Time: 19:00-21:00 (refreshment will be served before the seminar)
     Venue: CPD-2.42, 2/F, The Jockey Club Tower, HKU Centennial Campus(main campus)