Key Contribution
培育人才 共創未來
HKU Asia Entrepreneurship Summit and Exhibition 2015
香港大學亞洲青年創業高峰博覽 2015
13-14 March, 2015
University of Hong Kong
Funding Committee 資助委員會
- Main Sponsor首席贊助人
Mr. WU Jin-xiong 吳錦雄先生
Mr. WU Chengxi, Issac 吳承禧先生
- HK Activity Committee 來港交流小組
Sponsor for Accommodation and Meeting
HKTWY 港台青年交流促進會
Advisory Committee 顧問委員會
On behalf of sponsors贊助人代表
Issac Wu 吳承禧先生
Youth Entrepreneurship Fund香港青年創業教育基金)
Ms. Anthea Law 羅詠詩女士 (Centum Charitas百仁基金)
HKU 香港大學
Dr. CK Cheung 張志儉教授 (Faculty of Education 港大教育學院)
HKBU 香港浸會大學
Dr. Patrick Ko 柯少誠博士 (HKBU Foundation 浸大基金)
Youth Affairs 青年事務
Kevin LAU Kin Wah, JP 劉建華博士, JP
(HKSME Development Institute 香港中小企發展學會)
Dr. Wingco LO Kam Wing 盧金榮博士 (HK Y.Elites香港菁英會)
Mr. Lam Cheung-chi, MH 林長志先生, MH
Ms. Clara Chan 陳婉珊女士 (利記集團 Lee Kee Group)
Cultural, Design and Creative Industry 文化、設計及創業產業
Frankie Yeung, MH, JP 楊偉誠先生, MH,
Academy for Performing Arts 香港演藝學院)
Ms. Jessicia Fong 方潔然女士
Mr. Steven Siu 邵該榮先生
Information & Technology資訊科技產業
Witman Hung, JP 洪為民博士,
(Principal liaison officer at Shenzhen Qianhai Authority
Yvonne Wong 黃麗芳女士
(Qianhai International Liaison Services Ltd. 前海國際聯絡服務公司)
Mr. Francis Kowk 郭正光先生
Engineering & Project Management 工程及項目管理
Dr. Raymond Ho, SBS, JP 何鐘泰博士, SBS, JP
Foundation 大舜基金)
Francis Chan
Institute of Project Management 香港項目管理學會)
Logistics & Supply Chain物流及供應鏈
Dr. Anthony SW Lau, BBS 劉少榮博士 BBS
Finance 金融
Mr. Anthony Wong 王匯材先生 (HKEx 香港交易所)
Legal Services 法律服務
Ms. Olivia Kung 龔海欣律師 (OLN Law)
Mr. Kennth Choy 蔡仰德律師
Accounting & Audit Services 會計及審計服務
Mr. Ricky Lam, CPA 林純彬先生
Prof. Allen Wong 黃文華教授 (CMA Australia)
Dr. Anthony Ho
Ms. Stella Choy, CPA 蔡寶芳女士
Mr. Donald Chau, CPA 周錦榮先生
Mr. Michael Pang, CPA 彭準來先生
Market, Sales & Trading 市場、營銷及貿易
Mr. Edward Lau 劉浩彬先生 (Kingdee)
Ms. Wendy Ho (Volvo HK)
Public Administration公共服務
Mr. Derrick Lee (Canadian Consulate General, HKSAR)
Event Co-organiser 活動承辦方
Faculty of Education, HKU香港大學教育學院
Officiating Guest 主禮嘉賓
Mr. Lam Woon-Kwong, GBS JP林煥光先生, GBS JP
Convenor of the Executive Council, HKSAR Government
Prof. Ian Holliday 何立仁教授,
Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)
Prof. Stephen J. Andrews, 顏哲思教授
Dear of Faculty of Education
Acknowledgement 鳴謝
Knowledge Exchange Office, HKU 香港大學知識交流處
CEDARS, HKU 香港大學學生資源中心
Kingdee 金蝶軟件
Qianhai International Liaison Services Ltd 前海國際聯絡服務有限公司
Guangzhou Forward Information & Technology Ltd.
Guangzhou SZ-HK Investment Ltd.
Sponsored Charity (Region & Sector)
受助團體 (所屬地區和產業)
PGSA, HKU香港大學研究生會
Hong Kong 香港
- Telecommunication, Social Enterprise
Lam, "EchoBond"
(Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU 港大經濟及工商管理學院)
Mainland China 內地
- Music 音樂
Dee Xu 徐帝雨 "Landman Music"
(Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU 港大經濟及工商管理學院)
- Health Care 健康衛生
Sun 孫熠,
Shuqi Zhang, James Xu Lu, Justin Guo 郭跃新,
"Cooperation solution & Health Care: theSolver, let optimization optimize
your life"
<PhD project>
(Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
HKU 港大工程學院 電機電子工程系)
Yao and his team, "Healthcare about obesity problem"
<PhD project>
(School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, HKU)
- Intellectual property and Corporate Governance 知識產權和企業管治
Liu 劉夢莎,
Eileen Li 李金霖,
¡°University-owned enterprises: corporate governance an IP management for young
(Faculty of Law, HKU 港大法學院)
Faculty Advisor:
Prof. Zhang Xianchu 張憲初教授,
Prof. Zhao Yun 趙雲教授
- Financial Services 金融服務
Audrey Ho and her team,
"HK-SH Stock Connect and implications for Youth Entrepreneurship and development - Challenges and Opportunities"
(Faculty of Law, HKU 港大法學院)
Faculty Advisor:
Prof. Zhao Yun 趙雲教授
Taiwan 台灣
- Tourism & Education 旅遊及教育
Hsi-Tzu Chang 張希慈, "City Wanderer城市浪人"
Hu Tingshuo 胡庭碩
USA 美國
- Education and Language 教育及語言
Keisha Siriboe, Cliff Guo and Doreen Ho,
"Stories of Us: An English Literacy Program for Parents & Children"
<PhD Project>
(Faculty of Education, HKU 港大教育學院)
India/Italy 印度/意大利
- Sales and Marketing, High Technology 市場、營銷和高科技
Fabio Procopio, Syed Musheer AHMED, Katie Fung, All HKU MBA students,
"Mooie Jaaz: 3D Printing"
<MBA Project>
(MBA Programme, Faculty of Business and
Economics, HKU 港大經濟及工商管理學院, 工商管理碩士課程全體學生)
Student Roundtable學生圓桌 (2015)
Yang Yanchao 楊艷超
Sishi Liao 廖婉均
Airy Tai 戴岑容
Amy Zhang Ruihang 張瑞航
Kelly Liu Xiaoqing 劉曉晴
Helen Xie Jingrui謝京芮
Zhu Ke 朱科
Xu Changliang 徐常量
Wang Meng 王萌
Esther Li 李曉霖
Ammie Huang
Event Overview活動概覽!
Ceremony cum Certificate Presentation |
Officiate Guest: Prof. Ian Holliday, The Hon Lam Woon-kwong, GBS, JP |
Venue: LE1, Library Building, HKU地點: :圖書館新翼LE1 |
14 March (Sat) 03:30pm _ 05:00pm |
Speaker 主講人 |
Topic 主題 |
Venue 地点 |
Time 時間 |
March 13th _ AM 3月13日 上午 |
Mr. Edward Lau - Deputy GM, Asia Pacific, Kingdee International Software Group Dr. Witman Hung 前海管理局香港首席聯絡官 [Hong Kong] |
IT / Computer Science 資訊科技/電腦科 Enriching Cross-Border Startup Opportunities! Empower Your IT Strategies! |
MB G07 |
09:30am _ 10:30am |
Sunny Liu, Eileen Li, Prof. Zhang Xianchu Prof. Zhao Yun |
Intellectual Property 知識產權 |
MB G07 |
10:30am - 11:30am |
March 13th _ PM 3月13日 下午 |
Hu and his team [Taiwan] |
Tourism Working Holiday and Voluntary Services |
MB G07 |
12:30pm _ 01:30pm |
Audrey Ho and her team, Prof. Zhao Yun, Mr. Syren Johnstone, Prof. Anthony Wong, Assistant Vice President, [Hong Kong] |
Financial Services 金融服務 HK-SH Stock Connect and implications for Youth Entrepreneurship and development - Challenges and Opportunities |
MB G07 |
01:30pm _ 03:00pm |
Musheer and his team, [India/France] Jay Tse [Hong Kong] |
Sales and Marketing 零售及市務 Mooie Jaaz (3D Printer) |
MB 103 |
01:30pm _ 02:30pm |
Keisha and her team, [USA] Hsi-Tzu Chang [Taiwan] |
Education教育 Stories of Us (English Language
Teaching) |
MB 103 |
02:30pm _ 03:30pm |
CMA(Aust.) [Hong Kong/Mainland] Ms. Olivia Kung [Hong Kong/UK] |
Professional Services 專業服務 CEPA and Youth Entrepreneurship from the perspective of professional services |
MB G07 |
03:30pm _ 04:30pm |
Dr. Francis Chan [Hong Kong] |
Project management and architecture 項目管理與建造 Project Management and entrepreneurship |
MB G07 |
04:30pm _ 05:30pm |
Mike Sun and his team |
Cooperate solutions / Optimization algorithms theSolver (Health Diet and Fitness) |
MB 103 |
04:30pm _ 05:30pm |
March 14th _ AM 3月14日 上午 |
Wang Yao and his team [Mainland China] |
Health Care / Medicine 健康/醫療 Healthcare about obesity problem |
Happy Square |
09:30am _ 10:30am |
Samuel Lissner and his team, [Germany] |
Agriculture (High Value-added) 現代化農業 kijani: digitizing nature |
MB G07 |
10:30am _ 11:30am |
Landman Music [HK/Mainland China] |
Creative Industries創意產業 Landman Plan |
Happy Square |
11:30am _ 12:30am |
Hilton Lam [Hong Kong]
(Social Enterprise) EchoBond |
MB G07 |
11:30am _ 12:00pm |
Dr. Huang Yin-kai [Mainland China] |
The Difference of Entrepreneurship Education between Mainland and Overseas Countries Education教育 |
MB G07 |
12:00am _ 12:30pm |
March 14th _ PM 3月14日 下午 |
Mr. Francis Kowk [Hong Kong] Jasmine Wan [Mainland China] Airy Tai [Taiwan] |
IT / Computer Science 資訊科技/電腦科學
MB G07 |
01:30am _ 02:30pm |
CILT Ambassadors, Dr. Anthony Lau [Hong Kong] |
Logistics and Supply
Chain 物流和供應鏈 |
MB G07 |
02:30am _03:30am |
Media Coverage 傳媒報道
Photo Album 相冊
YED received extensive local and national media attention and to move on to the
next stage of development:
新華網絡電視 New China News TV
Hong Kong Economic Journal 信報 - 不應拿錢誘導年輕人創業
(Money is Not the Best Motivator for Youth Entrepreneurship)(上/下)吳承禧
Click on HKU page:
China National Radio 中央人民廣播電台 - 香江觀潮
Commercial Radio _ 雷霆 881
新華社New China News Agency - 香港大學舉辦首屆亞洲創業高峰博覽
Sing Tao Daily 星島日報 -
(商學生實習受啟發 冀創社企助人)
Wen Wei Po 文匯報-
(八九十後搞智庫 三地青交流創業) (研究生建智庫助青年創業) 中國新聞網 -香港青年团体创立智库 吸引两岸三地青年交流创业
大公報 Takungpao